I really do wonder why I've never heard a sermon on Ecclesiastes 7:10. Come to think of it I don't think I've heard many sermons on Ecclesiastes at all, funnily enough. There's a strange part of me (more than simply a part, perhaps you might think) that quite likes the fact that there are some biblical authors who seem quite depressed. Perhaps there is biblical warrant for being a grumpy old man if we consider Ecclesiastes and good old Jeremiah? Then again, maybe not. Jeremiah didn't exactly get praised for his bouts of moaning. I guess resignation to the absurdities of life must be the order of the day instead then...
Anyhow, I digress... that verse, oh such wonderful biblical truth (ahem, he he he - you'll see), so easy to see that the author had to be inspired by God to come up with such great words of wisdom - here it is in full:
"Do not say "Why were the old days better than these?" For it is not wise to ask such questions" (NIV).
Told you - God's a clever chappy; he must have a sense of humour too when you look at the church and penguins and sloths come to think of it. Next time someone harps on about the "good old days" when we had "hymns" (whatever they may be) instead of "songs" or the "proper" KJV instead of the New International Perversion (yes, sadly I have heard it called that), then perhaps you might like to direct them to this verse. Change has biblical warrant - sorry to any readers in or from Norfolk, I know I shouldn't use the "c" word. But then surely c***** is what being a follower of Jesus is all about?
I hope that when I get old(er) I can avoid the temptation to summon everyone back to a supposed golden era from my youth. Hopefully I'm not already inadvertently doing it. As we look back, we must ask ourselves whether the world is really getting worse or whether it is just different to what it used to be. Is there more fighting or are we more aware of it thanks to 24hr news? Is our culture really more anti-faith than before or has it just altered perspective (is that ok, Norfolk? No? Oh well, too late, quod scripsi scripsi) to think about these things in a different way? Have we as God's people failed to change (sorry, done it again) and assumed that old ways, old methods, the "good old days" are actually how things ought to be?
Now, this is much better. You said you wanted to cause controversy and so there's nothing like attempting to alienate your home county through a series of well-aimed (and accurate) comments about their resistance to change...
ReplyDeleteBy the way, are you aware that there's now a New New International (Per)version to go with the Today's New International Version of only a few years ago? What's next, the Extremely Modern and Contemporary Up-to-date Fresh New International Version? EMACUTDFNIV - it just rolls off the tongue...
As someone who is Norfolk born and bred I can claim to be less than 'normal for Norfolk'(or NFN as medical notes describe it)in that I embrace and welcome change - apart from 'THE CHANGE'of course which is a blessed nuisance, but that's another story - and see it as a valuable part of learning and growing. The Christian faith is a dynamic, vital, living reality, not a dry acceptance of a belief system that isn't open to discussion or contemporary expression. After all God lives in the eternal present so we need to adjust to His ways and adapt our practices accordingly.